Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park Authority Job Circular 2019


Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park Authority Job Circular 2019 bhtpa gov bdবাংলাদেশ হাই-টেক পার্ক কর্তৃপক্ষ নিয়োগ বিজ্ঞপ্তি প্রকাশ। BHTPA new job circular publish at Therefore, Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park Authority (BHTPA) is newly announce job recruitment notice. The BHTPA is the most attractive Govt job circular in Bangladesh. Who are interested to apply at Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park Authority Job to Joining the smart and big Govt. service. So, get details of BHTPA Vacancy news online via Internet.

Bangladesh Hi-tech Park Authority is a government agency in Bangladesh dedicated to establish, manage and operate technology business parks throughout the country. Formed in 2010, BHTPA is now implementing the projects including the Kaliakoir Hi-tech Park in Gazipur District and Jessore Software Technology Park

Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park Authority Job Circular related all information is accessible on with details. All kinds of career opportunity news and instructions with process of application under Hi-Tech Park notice here. Through the and website.

চাকরির সকল খবর পেতে জয়ের করুন:

Summer of Recruit Notice:

  • Name of Organization: বাংলাদেশ হাই-টেক পার্ক কর্তৃপক্ষ (Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park Authority)
  • Post Name: Store Keeper and Computer with Office Assistant
  • Job Published Date: 31-01-2019
  • Deadline: 05-03-2019
  • Type of Job: Government
  • Salary Range with pay per scale: See attachment
  • Number of Post: 02
  • Education Qualification Requirement: Honours or Equivalent Degree.
  • Official Website:
  • Application Process: Interested Applicants able to apply if the circular mention applying online method, then can use for apply. Otherwise application form also available on below. So, BHTPA Job Apply application form online.

BHTPA job Circular 2019:

Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park Authority latest job news publish their official site bhtpa gov bd (বাংলাদেশ হাই-টেক পার্ক কর্তৃপক্ষ নিয়োগ বিজ্ঞপ্তি). Interested applicants need to check details of circular before apply. The authority announced some vacant position that they will take few people recruited under their department. Whereas, Male and Female candidate can apply for different posts. So if you want to apply these job vacancies then must follow this instruction of government job recruitment. So you should read carefully the job advertisement before submitting your online application via

At the end the article we happily say that the fresher of job searchers and experienced person easily find the latest job news circular from here. Not only bhtpa job but also all govt job news. So, stay connect with us. Thank you.

Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park Authority Job Circular 2019

Updated: February 18, 2019 — 10:26 pm