Dhaka International Trade Fair Job Circular 2020


Dhaka International Trade Fair Job Circular 2020. Stall or Shop or Company has given Job Circular & Application Details for DITF 2020. Majority of the stall and shop going to announce new recruitment notice for the DITF 2020.

Dhaka International Trade Fair (DITF)-2020

Every year 1st January starts the DITF (Dhaka International Trade Fair). There are many company and shops give their stall for mass selling and marketing; as well as introducing the new products. In this year we expected new design and setup for the International Trade Fair in Dhaka. Companies are excited to see the arrangement to give and show up their products easily.

চাকরির সকল খবর পেতে জয়ের করুন: www.facebook.com/groups/VacancyAnnouncement

DITF Job Circular 2020

All Job Searchers no need to worry to find the latest DITF Recruitment Notice or Advertisement. We are searching and try to update all kinds of vacancy notice about DITF 2020 in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Sony-Rangs Job Circular: Sony-Rangs is the best Electronics Company in Bangladesh. Rangs Electronics Ltd. (Sony-Rangs) official distributor in Bangladesh. Every year they participate in DITF, During this event they need some energetic people to join their team. Its a good opportunity for all. Its a part time job job at the Rangs Electronics. Last date of application 28th November.

Dhaka International Trade Fair Rangs Electronics Ltd.  Job Circular 2020

Dhaka International Trade Fair Job Circular 2020

Updated: November 21, 2019 — 4:14 pm