NSI Result 2017 : National Security Intelligence


NSI Result 2017 : National Security Intelligence. National Security Intelligence or Prime Minister Office or NSI MCQ, Written and Viva Result Find from nsi.teletalk.com.bd or www.pmo.gov.bd. Prime Minister Office Recruitment test Result for MCQ and written test BD jobs Times. Prime Minister Office Recruitment Exam held on 03th February 2017. You can find Prime Minister Office or National Security Intelligence (NSI) Job exam result from our website as well government website.

National Security Intelligence Job Exam Result 2017

National Security Intelligence Recruitment test Result 2017 will be publish on very soon. PM Officer Job  or National Security Intelligence Job Recruitment 2016 was circular have more than 149 vacancies out of 17 posts. But near of 80 thousands apply for different posts. So it’s a heavy competition. The rumors was maximum candidates are selected from government party.

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Prime Minister Office Recruitment Exam Result 2017

Whatever, today Prime Minister Office or National Security Intelligence (NSI) Job exam result 2017 published. This exam result publishes very fast than other government exams result. In Assistant Director post Total 2566 candideats, Telephone Engineer total 24, Assistant Computer Programmer total 20, Field Officer total 283 candidates are seleted for written exam.

NSI Recruitment Test Result 2017 Download

National Security Intelligence or Prime Minister Office Job Post Name: Assistant Director, Telephone Engineer, Assistant Computer Programmer, Field Officer, Computer Technician, Short Hand Writer CAM Computer Operator, Photographer, Wireless Operator, PABX Operator, Office Assistant, Office Assistant CAM Computer Typist, Driver, Watcher Constable and Office Assistant etc.

If you have any question about National Security Intelligence (NSI) or Prime Minister Office Recruitment test result or NSI job Result 2017.

Updated: November 21, 2019 — 12:05 pm