Primary Final Result 2022 of Recruitment 2020. DPE Final Viva Result Out pdf Download. Pre-Primary School Teachers Job Final Result of Assistant Teacher Recruit 2020. All of three phase voice viva result published simuntinously by dpe gov bd website. Therefore, all candidates who are successfully selected on the viva board then will admited within 15days of result published.
Directorate of Primary Education Final result Announced soon through the dpe gov bd. As Directorate of Primary Education DPE printed DPE Recuit Job Notice 2022. The released DPE Teletalk Com BD Job portal online Website.
DPE online application and other necessary instruction official release on Simple applicants can able to apply and get admit card from dpe teletalk com bd website. Meanwhile, anyone can download the Primary School Job Result 2022 from the dpe gov bd website as pdf file.
চাকরির সকল খবর পেতে জয়ের করুন:
The first, second and third phase written test result of Assistant Teacher Recruitment Exam 2020 has been published. After that, candidates was given the viva exam on respective schedule. Now time is coming to announced the Final Result of Assistant Teachers Recruitment Exam 2020. The dpe results are available at the Official website of the Directorate of Primary Education (
Point to be noted that; Total 13,09,461 number of candidates in 2020 recruitment test for assistant teachers under the Primary Schools. And total 1,811 number of examination centres in three (03) phases and the written examination has been arranged in 61 districts.